Suggestions (Harriet’s)

If you want to share ideas or ways to make Hill N Hollow Quilt Guild even better or have an idea for a fun activity that we might all try, please print out a suggestion form that can be found below.

 President-Elect Clara Zeigler ([email protected]) is happy to share your suggestions with the Board, and they will be in contact with you to respond to your suggestion.

✓ Fill out the suggestion form–click on Suggestion Form
✓ Sign your name, so we know who to contact for more info or help
✓ Give it to Clara at one of the meetings, or email it to her at

[email protected]

Please be sure to sign the suggestion form. We want YOU to get credit for YOUR good idea. The goal is to make this Guild the best it can be and for it to benefit all of our members. Is there a technique you could teach or give a program on? We are all wanting to learn new ways to get more quilts done! Have you heard of a worthy cause that we might help support with our talents? We are a giving group, that’s for sure! Is there something you’re interested in learning about, but have no idea where to begin….Let’s talk, I bet we can find the answers together.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Our Mission – The Hill 'N Hollow Quilters Guild is founded to preserve, promote, share and teach the art of quilting.